Shoplifting Attorney
Shoplifting might not seem like a big deal, but there are hidden consequences that should make you think twice about how to respond to charges of shoplifting or retail theft.
Under Delaware’s criminal laws, shoplifting is a crime of dishonesty. If you plead guilty or are convicted of retail theft, that conviction can be used to challenge your credibility and trustworthiness in the future. Colleges and employers may treat a shoplifting conviction unfavorably for the same reasons.
* Foreign language interpreters are available
* Free initial consultation about your criminal defense case
I am Kent County shoplifting defense lawyer John R. Garey. I have been practicing criminal law in the local area for more than 20 years b first as a prosecuting attorney and now as a criminal defense attorney. I made the change from the prosecutor’s office to criminal defense because I saw too many good and hardworking people suffer as the result of a single mistake b either that they made or the police made. Contact my office to discuss your shoplifting defense needs in a private setting.
Serious penalties for shoplifting conviction
Hiring a shoplifting defense lawyer is your first step toward minimizing the negative consequences associated with a shoplifting arrest. Possible penalties include:
- If the value of the goods stolen is $1,500 or more, you will be charged with a felony. If convicted, it is likely you will go to jail. If you are able to avoid jail, you will still face a lengthy probation term, payment of restitution and other conditions of probation which the court and probation officer can attach. These other conditions may include no-contact orders and/or drug and alcohol counseling.
- Even a misdemeanor conviction can result in a jail sentence, although probation is more likely. But remember, the conviction will remain on your criminal record as a crime of dishonesty.
Contact my office for a free consultation
Immediate appointments available
If you or a young member of your family is facing shoplifting charges, contact my office to learn about my shoplifting defense services. I have immediate appointments available, and I can usually travel to you if you cannot meet me at my office.